Volume 20, Page 573 View pdf image (33K) |
Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1694 97. 573
Ordr to Ordered that George Plater Esq his mats Collr and Lib. H. D. George Plater Esq Receiver for Petuxant District do upon Sight hereof to deliver up Surrendr up unto George Muschamp Esq. Collr and all Madam Blackistons Receiver of his Mats Customs, in Potomock District, papers &ca all Madam Blackistons papers now in his Custody,
and all other Papers relating to his Mats fines and other Duties &ca arising and becoming due within the Counties of Whitehall St Maries Charles & Prince Georges, in Ordr to be taken Care off by the sd Mr Muschamp the same being now by Commis sion within his Collection.
Wm & Mary Coll: Courts affirming that the Vestry of William Parish ex cused for and Mary Parish have a List of Marriages Ready not sending and their proceedings pursuant to Ordr &ca (which at prsent he says he will take Care Shall be Speedily Sent)
are Excused for not sending at prsent.
Ordr abt Came Mr Richard Marsham of Calvert County Mr Collyers paymt of and humbly moves this honrble Board, that having odd thousand obtain'd Judgmt against Mr Thomas Collyer in the pounds of Tobo to Mr Provll Court of this Province, some time last Sum Marsham mer for 20: odd thousand pounds of Tobacco but
the sd Collyer acting at prsent by Commission under his Exncy does Pray an Ordr of this Board that Execution may issue agt him upon the sd Judgment whereby he may be Enabled to Get Satisfaction for his sd Debt; Ordered thereupon as it is hereby Ordered that the Petitionr send to the sd Mr Collyer about it, and if in Case he Neglects or Refuses to make Speedy Com plyance therein, his Exncy will upon Notice thereof displace him and leave him open to the Law.
Ordr abt The sd Mr Marsham does likewise humbly move, Mr Watki sons debt to That having obtaind Judgmt against Cornelius be made an Watkison in Calvert County Court for 30: odd End of in the Court pounds upon a protested bill of Exchange, the sd of Chan- Cornelius hath since obtaind an Injunction in Chan cery &ca cery to Stop proceedings, whereby to delay paymt of
the Debt, does therefore pray that an Ordr of this honrble Board may pass to put a Speedy End to the sd matter; Ordered that the same be Referred to the Court of Chancery for them to make a Speedy End thereof.
Proposall abt Proposed that what Materialls Wm ffreeman the Materialls for the Bricklayer wants for the Church, and Schole Worke,
Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1694 97. 573
Church & his Exncy will send to Mr Ferry in Londo for the same Schole worke- who will purchase them as cheap as any other person.
Volume 20, Page 573 View pdf image (33K) |
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