Volume 20, Page 44 View pdf image (33K) |
44 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1693 94.
Lib. C. B. Petr be hereby at full liberty to pursue the puting the said Bond in Suite, after such Notice given & denyall made as aforesd
By the Honble Nicholas Greenberry Esqr President & Coun ciii &Ca ffeb y 14th 1693. Jno Hurst, Ordered that these following Certificates of Resur vey (being hither returneable & at this Board now here presented (Vizt John Hursts containing Two Browne's hundred thirty Eight Acres called Bushey Neck Cert of Resur bottom, Thomas Dawsons containing One hundred
Acres, called Deep Creeke point, Mordecai Price containing One hundred Ninety One Acres, called Crombers Ridge & Abell Brownes containing One hundred Sixty Nine Acres called Comberton, be from this Board forth with transmitted to the Land Office, to the End the same may be there duely Entered & Remain vpon Record. Signed p Ordr H Denton Cl Concil.
To the Honble Sr Thomas Laurence Baront Cheife Secretary of Maryland or to his cheife Clerk of the Land Office for the time being These.
Ordr p Mr LLewellins Vpon Representation & Application Ordered Delivery of that Mr John LLewellin deliver or cause to be p.50 the Ld Balte- delivered Unto Coll Henry Darnall or Ordr a cer mores Seale . to Coll taine Seale now in the custody of the said LLewellin, Darnall which was formerly made Use off by the Lord
Baltemore in the Nature of a Lesser Seale of this Province.
James Bigger haveing this day favourably obtained Spll Court an Appeale made to this board on behalfe of Thomas vpon the Greenfeild vpon Letters of Administration Granted Appeale by the Comissary vnto Henry Lowe & Thomas
Collyer vpon the Estate of Richard Charlet decd notwith standing Letters ad Colligendum to him the said Greenfeild had been legally coniitted and for the due prosecution of the same has Given security does now by humble Petition Crave that a time may be limitted for a full & speedy heareing & argueing the Reasons vpon the said Appeale either before the Governor or persons to be therevnto especially Authorized according to the Directions of the Act of Assembly of this Province in that case &ca
Volume 20, Page 44 View pdf image (33K) |
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