Volume 20, Page 407 View pdf image (33K) |
Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1694 97. 407
A Proclamation Lib. H. D. Maryland ss ffor a publick thanksgiving
fforasmuch as it hath pleased God (of his infinite mercy) Whitehall to Grant to the fforces of his most sacred Maty (this last year) p. 324 great prosperity & success against his Enemies the ffrench as well by Land as sea, and more especially considering the joyfull & happy News of his Mats safe arrivall in England, the Almighties continued goodness in the protection of his Royall person under all those dangerous hazards & Attempts his Maty hath vndergone, during this warr; All which inestimable blessings Require our publick thanksgiving & acknowledgmts; Have therefore thought fit, and by the advice of his Mats honoble Councill & House of Burgesses (in a Generall Assembly now Convened) do hereby appoint & Command that a generall thanksgiving to Almighty God for these Rich Mercies & ffavours, be observed on thursday next, by the sd Genll Assembly & all the Inhabitants & others then Residing within this Port, and (in the severall Counties & places within this province) on the ffrst thursday in June next; And I do strict!y Charge & Command that the said publick days of thanksgiving be Religiously observed by all his Mats loving Subjects within the same; requiring all persons to go out of Mourning and to abstain from servi!e & Corporall labor on those days, and that the Ministers of the severall parishes do then Read divine service and preach, as they will Answer the contrary: And to the end due Notice hereof may be given, I do further Command the severall Sherriffs of the province to make proclamation hereof in all Churches, Chap pells & other publick places of Meeting within their respec tive Counties; Given at the Port of Annapolis vnder the Broad Sea! of the province, this ffifth day of May (being Munday) Anno 1696, and in the Eighth year of his sd Mats Reign God Save the King. ffr: Nicholson
May the 6th 1696.
The Counci!l again Sate & were prsent as before with the Whitehall Addition of the honoble Coll John Addison & Thomas Brook, Esq.
Came Coll St. Leger Codd, who being appointed p. frombeingof upon the Commission of Review inter Lingan & the Commis- Crauford, humbly prays to be dismissed, saying
Review, that his indisposition of body is so great tht he has obtained like favour from the House of Burgesses to retire home; Ordered that he be dismissed accordingly,
Volume 20, Page 407 View pdf image (33K) |
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