Volume 20, Page 293 View pdf image (33K) |
Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1694 97. 293
Mr Alderns Mr William Aldern producing to this Board a Lib. H. D. Deputacon for Depty Deputation given him by George Plater Esqr his Collector of Mats Collector of Petuxant District, for being his Port Wil- liamstadt & Depty at the Port of Williamstadt, was admitted & Whitehall Administra- approved off& had Administred unto him the Oathes tjon of the Oathes &ca appointed by Act of Parliamt to be taken instead of the Oathes of Allegiance & Supremacy as also the Oath of trade & Navigation & Subscribed to the Test.
August the 20th 1695:
The Councill again Sate and Were present as before Madam Delivered by his Exncy in Councill unto George Blaki stons 3d Bills of Plater Esqr Madam Blakistons third Bills of Ex Exca Did by change, the wch his Exncy had Recd from Esqr the Govr in Councill to Randolph Esqr Plater &ca
Mr Clarkes Came Mr Philip Clarke Navall Officer of Poto- p 209 Oath to the Collection mock District & made Oath to his Accot of Collec of 12d p hhd tion of the imposition of p hhd on Tobacco impost &ca Exported &ca from the 24th of September 1694 till
the 5th of June 1695.
Esqr Pla- Came George Plater Esqr Collector & Receiver ters Oath to the Collec- of his Mats Revenue wthin the District of Petuxant tion of the who made Oath to his Accot of Collection of the 15d p hhd & 3d p tonn 15d p hhd & 3d p Tonn by him collected wthin that &ca District from the Eigth of May 1695 unto the 30th of Whitehall July following, that the same are just & true Accots
Mr Denton Henry Denton haveing Received a Deputation being De puted Depty from George Plater Esqr for being DeptY Collector Collector of wth in the Port of Annapolis had Administred unto the Port of Annapolis him the Oaths Appointed by Act of Parliamt to be took the taken instead of the Oathes of Allegiance & Su Oaths &ca premacy as also the Oath of Navigation and Sub scribed to the Test.
Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1694 97. 293
his Exncies It being represented that the house of Burgesses directions that inquiry would (at their meeting) be deficient for want of be made some of the Members thereof, occasioned through how writs of Eleccon to death and otherwise; whereupon his Exncy was supply va- pleased to give directions that inquiry should be cant places should issue made how Matters of that Nature had usually been and Answer carryed Vizt whether Writs of Election to supply the thereon Vacant places should issue by his Exncies Order now
Volume 20, Page 293 View pdf image (33K) |
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