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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 576   View pdf image (33K)
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576 Assembly Proceedings May 26-June 11, 1697.

L. H. J.

Sent by Capt Hoskins and Major Walter Smith.
House adjourned till 6 of the clock to Morrow Morning.

Friday June the 4th 1697.

House mett and read over what was done Yesterday.
The Severall members appointed to goe upon the Indian
Treaty to take leave and departe the house.
A Bill enabling Mrs Herman to sell land in this porte accord-
ing to the Late husbands contract read the second tyme and
It being proposed by his Excy that a law be made to appoint
two persons in each County neare to the Indians to heare and
determine all controversies and disputes between them and
the English.
Resolved such Bille be prepared.
House adjourned to six of the clocke to Morrow morning.

Saturday June the 5th 1697.

House mett, and read over what was done yesterday.
Referred to the Comittee of Laws to consider of a Bill for
selling Colonel Talbotts efunding the Country
his Imprisonment ffees.
Major Hutchison, Capt Hill, and Mr Robert Smith added to
the Comittee of Lawes. A Bill impowering the vestrys to

P. 145

purchase Lands for churches and Chappels and confirming the
Titles of Land, whereon churches are built read the second
A Bill impowering Mrs Herman to sell Land in this porte
read the third tyme and passed nemine Contradicente.
Moved that the Right honble the Lords of the Councill for
Trades be addressed for a Seperate Convoy for this Country.
Resolved that it will not be convenient to address their
Lordships for such convoy, in regard that the Virginia Fleet
may have quicker dispatch then ours and thereby forestall our
markett of Tobaccoe.
Mr Clarke presents the following reporte from the Comitee
of Lawes.
It being referred to this Comittee of Lawes to consult the
old Law for Regulating the Militia of this province.
The Comittee haveing seriously and deliberately consulted
the old Law, and debated the severall proposalls of his Excy to
be enacted into a new Law do finde that the said proposalls
tend much to the regulating of the Militia, as likewise the
case of the poorer sorte of Inhabitants.
But for as much as there is an appearance at this tyme of

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 576   View pdf image (33K)
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