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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 577   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, May 26-June 11, 1697. 577

some Disturbance with the Indians, doe not thinke it a proper
tyme to sett a Law aside that the Inhabitants are so well
acquainted with, as Likewise considering that severall of the
new proposalls if enacted into a Law, yet it is impossible to
put the same in execution this twelve months at the least
therefore the Comittee are of opinion, that a copy of the said
proposalls be drawn out for every county of this province, to
the end that the Inhabitants of each county may consider of
the Same; and give it to their Delegates in charge to the
next Assembly. It being not usuall for parliaments or assem-
blyes to enact Lawes alltogether new until first acquainting
the people therewith and having their sanction.
Signed p order
Henry Loftus Ck: of the Conference.

Resolved this house doe concurr with the Reporte of the
Comittee, and that the same be sent to his Excy the Govr and
his Matys honble Councill, by Major Thomas Smith, Major
Dent, and Major Ennalls together with the following Bills,

A Bill ascertaining how and when executions shall be
granted for publick officers fees, read the first tyme and
A Bill for ascertaining the Rooms and offices in the new
Stad' house read the first tyme. And a Bill for purchasing
Lands to build churches on and read the second time.
House adjourned till 2 of the Clocke.

post merediem. House mett. Resolved the following
message be sent to his Excy and his Matys honbLe Council.

L. H. J.

By the house of Delegates June the 5th 1697

The house desire what Bills have passed the honble board
may be forthwith transmitted to them in Order to be
Signed p ordr W Bladen Clk: house of Del.

Sent p Mr Hawkins and Mr Bosman, who returne and say
they have delivered their Message.
Then came downe from his Matys honbLe Councill Colonel
Greenberry and Colonel Hutchins and bring downe the Bills
this day sent up.
A Bill for Reformation of Jeofails in Maryland read the
first tyme.
House adjourned till 6 of the clock on Munday morning.

p. 146

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 577   View pdf image (33K)
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