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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 575   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, May 26-June 11, 1697. 575

presents of the Indians, but what he rather gave them more in
value, and that he never tooke what was offered him but only
one Skine of a sorte.
Ordered that Capt Hans Tillman bring downe the Indians
at the head of the Bay to the Govr and Councill agt the next
provinciall court being accordingly sworne Interpreter.
The said Hans Tillman is also ordered to go along with the
Gen' to the Indians at the head of the Bay.
Ordered that the 2 Capts of the Rangers, each have ten
Grannadoes ten ffusses, two Spades, two pickaxes and two
shovells delivered to them, and that the Colonells of Prince
Georges and Baltemore Countys deliver them vizt each, Capts
Brightwell and Oldton 50ll of powder with fflint and Ball
equivallent the same to be returned backe and not made use
of but upon action.
Mr Speaker and the Rest of the members take leave of his
Excy and repaire again to the house where Mr Speaker having
taken the Chaire.
Adjourned the house till 6 of the Clock tomorrow morning.

Thursday June the 3d 1697. House mett.

An additionall Bill to the act for Recovery of Small Debts
the third tyme and passed.

L. H. J.

A Bill for purchasing Lands for Court houses read the third
tyme and sent to his Matys: Honble Councill by Major Walter
Smith, Major Barton, Major Smallwood, Mr Hutchison and
Capt Hoskins.
Leave given to bring in a bill to enable Mrs Catharine
Herman to make sale of a Lott of land and two houses in this
porte according to her late husbands contract with Mr Ger-
rard Vanswerringen.
The house adjourned till two of the clock.

post merediem. House mett.
A Bill Impowering Mrs Herman to sell land in this porte
according to her late husbands agreement read the first tyme
and passed.
Put to the Question if the Gentlemen appointed to go and
treat with the Indians shall have Leave to departe House in
order to their Journey.
And carried in the affirmative nemine Contradicente
Resolved the following Message be sent to his Excy the
Govr and his Matys: honourable Councill We have given leave
to our severall members appointed to goe upon the Indian
Treaty to departe the house in order to their Journey, but
humbly desire it may not oblige us to Tarry for their returne.
Signed p order
W. Bladen Clk. house Del.

p. 144

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 575   View pdf image (33K)
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