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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 574   View pdf image (33K)
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574 Assembly Proceedings, May 26-June 11, 1697.

L. H. J.

their Lands and marke them by lines and trees in the presence
of the neighborhood afd and the better to keep in remem-
brance such Bounds and to transmitt the same down to pos-
terity that the said persons and so many of the neighbourhood
with the great men of the Indians goe round the Bounds once
every three yeares, and new marke and Lyne the Bounds.
9. This Comittee are informed that the strange Indians
that are at the head of Potomocke neare the mountains do
belong to and are part of the nation of Indians at the head of
the Bay of the Susquehannahs who are in peace and Amity
with us.
Therefore we propose that caution may be given to that
King either to call in them Indians or to be accomptable and
answerable for them in case of any Injurys.

p. 143

10th The Comittee propose that what measures are resolved
on with the Indians be immediately put in Execution by present
sending to them, which will enable them to make corne if they
returne and prevent their confederating with Strange Indians
which longer tyme would give oppertunity of.
Chr Gregory Clk:

The said proposalls being read were all approved off respect
being had to the value of the negroe Eighty bucke skens
being thought too little, but left to the discretion of the persons
appointed to treat with them.
And thereupon Resolved, that the Honble Colonel Addison,
Thomas Brooke and Thomas Tench Esq. Gen' of his Matys
honble Councill, Major Smallwood, Major Barton, Mr Hutchi-
son Mr John Hawkins Mr Jno White and Capt Phillip Hoskins
goe immediately to the piscataway and Accokicke Indians
upon the Treaty afd and that Henry Moore goes their Inter-
Ordered that Mr Perry the post be sent with a copy of these
proposalls to his Excy Sr Edmond Andros his Matys Govr of
As to the Chapticoe and nanticoke Indians his Excy is
pleased to say they need not to come here for that God will-
ing he will be there this summer.
Resolved that Major Thompson and Mr Vanderheydon of
Cecill County, Mr Boothby and Col: Marke Richardson of
Baltemore County be sent to the Indians at the head of the
Bay to give them caution either to call in the mountain Indians
or to acquaint them that we expect they should be answerable
for them if any Injurys happen to be done as also to acquaint
them what measures we have taken with the piscataway
His Excy is pleased to declare that he never tooke any

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 574   View pdf image (33K)
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