Assembly Proceedings, May 26-June 11, 1697. 573
to discend to particulars with them in that treaty and that they
have a Latitude of Discretion left with them so farr as the
Government, shall think fitt and convenient particularly about
the place of their being if proposed
6thly That according to the first proposalls to the Indians,
We conceive that some sober and discreet persons being
appointed nerely resident to [every one] of the Indian Towns
to heare and determine any complaint, either of the Indians
or English, with one another.
And the determinations of such persons shall be binding to
both partyes unless the matter be of so great moment as to
require an appeale to the Governor and Councill in such cases
L. H. J.
if either of the persons to heare and to determine the matter
thinke fitt, or either of the partyes desire an appeale to the
Govr and Councill they shall be there transmitted with their
Then the Comitee proceed to examine the Reporte of Col0
Hutchison whereby those Indians seem charged with Enter-
tainment of Strange Indians and turning out the Emperor and
choosing a new one without the Governors consent and appro-
bation contrary to Articles.
We propose that the Indians may be sent fore before the
Govr and Councill and they cautioned of that their breach; and
the new chosen Emperor either confirmed or revoked as
thought fitt.
And Jf the Governor and Councill thinks fitt to pass this
error by for the present that yet they be cautioned to give no
more occasions for that they will not be endured.
And that if any strange Indians for the future come to them
It shall be sufficient for them to give notice to the persons
appointed, of the number and nation of such Strangers.
7th Then as to the Compll of the Indians to Col: Courts of
the violence offerred them by Mr Joshua Doyne and the mis-
understanding between them and Madam Blackstone, We
propose that the partyes be sent for before the Govr and
Councill and the matter to be there heard and determined as
in their Wisdom shall be thought fitt, and for the future all
such complaints to be heard and determined by the persons
appointed for that purpose.
8th That because there happens many complaints about
the bounds of the Indians Lands, and many Jealousies may
arise about it.
We therefore propose that the persons to be appointed to
heare and determine such differences do call to their assistance
six or eight of the most substantiall neighbours living in the
Towne, and heare and determine the Indians claims according
to the best testimony that they can gett, lay out the bounds of
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