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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 572   View pdf image (33K)
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572 Assembly Proceedings, May 26-June 11, 1697.

L. H. J.

And if Proved agt them punished according to the Law of
the Country.
And for Speedy reliefe in these cases fitting persons shall be
appointed adjacent from whome upon application made,
redress shall be had.
3rdly That as to their refusall of retaining and excusing
themselves from coming to this Assembly, It may be observed
to them, that as the Government will not do any Injustice or
impose any unreasonable taske upon them, so they cannot but
Resent it very ill of them by this Rashness, and unadvisedness

p. 141

to breake their Articles with us in Leaving their Established
places of abode withdrawing themselves so suspitiously in the
night tyme, and putting us to so greate charge to finde them
And notwithstanding that for them to Refuse to come back
and live as formerly they were wont. And therefore if they
all come in, and settle themselves according to their former
Articles as is already said, the former Articles shall be con-
firmed to them, or if they do not all agree to come that the
same shall be to those that doe come in, provided they doe
immediately upon their coming in apply themselves to such
persons as shall be appointed, and give in their names that we
may know who are our friends and who not.
And that for all such as will not returne upon the proposalls
by a day certain, we doe refuse all entercourse of trade or
commerce with them, and to that end that caution should be
given them to forbeare at their perrill to come or appeare
within the Bounds of this Province, for that if they do without
coming in as aforesaid they be certainly deemed as Enimies
and treated accordingly.
And to prevent all Mistakes of friends for Enemies, We doe
ffirmly enjoyne and require all those that doe come in under
the penalty of forfeiting our friendship, not to harbour, enter-
taine, or detaine any of those Indians of them nations that are
now absent, or that doe not come in and give up their names
as afd for that if they doe we shall looke upon them as con-
federating with our Enemies.
4thly We also propose that a Copie of what terms wee make
to the Indians may be laid before his Excy the Govr of Virginia,
that thereby that Government may see the Justice of our pro-
ceedings with them, and be an inducement to them not to
believe or countenance any of theire allegations and harbour
them in their contempt and breach of Articles with us.
We also propose that it may be requisite under the present
Juncture to send a certain number of Gen' of this Government
not Less than ten to the Indians to make knowne to them
these our proposalls and to treat with them thereon, and also

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 572   View pdf image (33K)
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