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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 565   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings May 26-June 11, 1697. 565

authority of the County Court Comissions in all personall
actions because the said Courts happen oftner than the pro-
vinciall Court.
Thos Smithson Chairman.

Resolved by the house that his Excy be addressed to enlarge
the Authority of such Courts in personall actions.

A Bill impowering the Commissioners of the respective
Countys to purchase Land for Court houses for their Countys
read the first tyme.
An additionall Bill to the Act for Recovery of Small Debts
read the ft tyme.

Proposed by a member of the house that some care be
taken by a Law otherwise to Restraine the frequent and vex-
atious suites of appeales and Writts Error from the County
Courts of this province to the provinciall for there formalitys
in Law and many times for the Error of the clerks and attor-
neys who are not of Capacity to make theire proceedings
agreeable to the Strict Rules of the Law of England, for defect
whereof the Judges of Law can not do otherwise than reverse
the Judgment.
Leave is given to prepare a bill as above proposed.

A Bill for the naturalization of Stephen Francis and George
Slacombe read the first tyme.

Then came down Mr Henry Denton Clk: of the Councill, and
acquainted the house that his Excellency the Governour and
his Majesties honble Councill were Ready to entertain them in
Conference relating to the Indians.
Whereupon the house resolved themselves into a Comittee
of the whole house and goe up to his Excy and his Majesties
honble Councill upon the Conference aforesaid.

Captain John Hans Tilghman called to the Conference,
sayth that according to order of his Excy the Goverr and the
honble Councill he went to the Susquehannah and Senequa
Indians the head of the Bay, that the Delaway King and the
Chawhanan King would have come along with him, but that
three great men were gone abroad on hunting, and
because he understood the rest were willing to come downe
about a month hence, he did not bring them with him.

L. H. J.

Reports that at Caristaugua the Susquehannah, Senequa
Indians have about forty lusty young men besides Women
and children live within four miles of Caristaugua Lower

p. 135

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 565   View pdf image (33K)
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