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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 566   View pdf image (33K)
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566 Assembly Proceedings, May 26-June 11, 1697.

L. H. J.

downe Submitt themselves and pay tribute to the Susquehan-
nahs and Seneques.
That the Delaway Indians at Minguanon nine miles from
the head of Elke River and fifteen miles from Christeen, about
thirty miles from Susquehannah River are about three hun-
dred men and are Tributary to the Seneques and Susquehan-
nahs, Fifty of them live at Minguannon, the rest upon Brandy-
wine land Creeks.
That the Susquehannah, Delaway and Chevanords do take
themselves to be and are inclinable to be under this province
because of their hunting within the same betwixt Susquehan-
nahs and potomack.
Reports that the King of the Delaway Indians bad him tell
his Excy that if his Indians might be Suffered to hunt betwixt
Susquehannah and potomacke they would looke after the
naked Indians and give notice of them.

His Excy is pleased to aske the house if it will not be conve-
nient to have the Indians at the head of the Bay come downe
to the next provinciall Court.
To which they say it will be convenient that they doe come
downe at that tyme.
Major William Barton gives the following act in writing
under his hands thus vizt

That pursuant to the order of his Excy and Councill he went
into Virginia where the Emperor of Piscattoway and the
Indians under his comand doe now resort betwixt the two
first mountaines above the head of occoquan River Lying
neare Sixty or Seventy miles beyond the Inhabitants where
they have made a Forte in that manner and Left the Province
and wether they would returne again and to know if the
Emperor and some of his great men would come downe to
the assembly now sitting at Annapolis to discourse them and
give the Country satisfaction about those things, and dis-
cover if they could the persons that comitted the murther in
To which the Emperor and his great men made answer
that one Reason of theire going away was to secure them-
selves theire Wives and children from the English who daily
threatned them as they were informed Esspecially Col: Addison
who taxed them severely with the murther of the negro Boy,
and told them that there could be no murther comitted but
what they either did or knew off, and that they had no body
else to taxe but them; that they were but an hanfull of men,
and went to and again doing this mischiefe in the Woods Like
Wolves, and no body could prove any thing against them, and

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 566   View pdf image (33K)
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