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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 564   View pdf image (33K)
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564 Assembly Proceedings, May 26-June 11, 1697.

L. H. J.

Also a Letter from his Excellency Colonel Benjamin
Fletcher his Matys: GoV of New Yorke together with his
Excellency our Govrs answer to the Same Laid before the
house for their consideration.
2 2d Mr Jno Freeman's petition referred to this house rejected.
23d Querey. Whether or not it will not be proper to
encourage some small number of men to goe out beyond the
mountains this Sumer upon Discovery.
Thought that the sending men upon that acct will be
chargeable and burthensome to the Country.
24th proposed that the offices in the Stad' house be first
finished the same being likely to be first wanted. That the
Fore doore be altered and a pediment placed over each of the
outward doors as his honr Coll: Hutchins shall direct, that the
Shingles be secured from Leakes &c
Quere Whether it may not be necessary the same to be
tarred two or three tymes over. That the house be pailed
round and paved Ann house of office built and conveniences
for hanging horses on.
Proposed that some person be impowered to agree with
workmen and finding materialls for accomplishing all the
aforegoing matters, and making convenient and necessary
shelves and Boxes for the offices where wanting, and about
maeking and Setting up a pair of Stocks, pillory and Whipping
His Excy is pleased to declare he has sent for a Copper vane
and Broad pendent for the use of the Stad' house.
Resolved as to the additionall Conveniencyes and things
proposed to be done to the Stad' house, the same are very
necessary to be done and that Major Hamond and Major
Dorsey be hereby appointed Trustees to agree with and
imploy persons to doe and finish the same, who shall be paid
therefore out of the publick levy of this province.

p. 134

25th That the house give their opinion Whether it be not
convenient to have the Arms sent for in sanguined.
Resolved that it will be very convenient for the better pre-
serving of them that they be sanguined.
The following Resolves sent to his Excy and his Matys
honble Councill.
House adjourned till six a Clock to Morrow Morning.

Tuesday June the first 1697.

House mett. Then read over what was done yesterday.
Major Smithson presents the following Reporte from the
Comittee of Agrievances.
That humble addresses be made to his Excy to enlarge the

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 564   View pdf image (33K)
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