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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 563   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, May 26-June 11, 1697. 563

Resolved that it is the Comon practice and Custome of the
Court of Chancery in England to Issue Comissions to Examine
Evidences in perpetuam rei memoriam.
14th A former proposall for a Markett and fair to be kept
in Towne the priviledging persons from arrests on those days
is again Recomended.
Resolved that the Law for the advancement of the porte of
Annapolis hath allready provided therefore.
15th That his Maty: be adressed that some parte of the
Revenue given towards furnishing of Arms &c may (now the
country is provided of such things to be layd out for small
books &c: according to a former proposall and towards buying
a Library.
Resolved that in regard to our present circumstances with
our neighbouring Indians the proposall be referred to the next
Genll Assembly.
16. That the parishes be more equally divided and named

a new and that different names be given them.

The parishes are allready well layd out their Bounds
recorded, and no complaint are made thereof.
17. That seeing the Country is destitute of any fortifica-
tions here his Majesty be addressed to send in a ffrigott to
keep Crussing in these parts for Security thereof.
Resolved that there is no necessity to put his Maty to the
Charge of such Cruser.
18th That Mr Bray be gratifyed for his trowble and pains
taken about the Librarys having Respect also to the expences
therein, according to former proposalls.
Resolved that a Letter be writt to Mr Bray.
19th That the house would impower some person to make
an agreement about keeping a publick ferry betwixt this and
Kent Island not exceeding the sume of 20000l Tobacco.

L. H. J.

Resolved that the charge of fferry is thought too burthen-
some to the province.
20. That whereas William Freeman the Brick Layer being
runaway and left Mr Workemans house one of the publick
buildings in this porte a greate parte thereof unfinished, the
advice of the house is desired what is left to be done to effect
the finishing thereof, there being left about 53l Sterl: in hand
to do it, two thirds of the charge being allready paid to the
said Freeman as per Receipt appeares.
Referred till Mr Workeman appeares in the house.
21st Severall Letters from the honble John Povey Esqr in
Relation to the affaires of this province how managed in
A Letter from the honble Col: Andrew Hamilton with his
proposalls about erecting a post office here.

p. 133

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 563   View pdf image (33K)
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