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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 562   View pdf image (33K)
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562 Assembly Proceedings, May 26-June 11, 1697.

L. H. J.

8th That the house would enquire the Reasons amongst
themselves that obstructed the generallity of the shipps this
year and in particular the shipps Left behind this fleet from
getting ready to sayle sooner proposed if a way can be found
out whereby for the future they may receive quicker Dispatch
in their business, also some late Councill proceedings and
papers relating thereto Layd before the house.
Resolved that this house do finde the chiefe reasons of their
hinderence to have been because the Mars and Merchts hold
their Goods at too deare a rate and their freight at too exces-
sive prizes which together with the hardness of the last
Winter hath been the occasion thereof.
As to the late Councill proceedings there about; the house
do well approve of and concurr with them.
House adjourned till two of the Clock,
post Merediem. House mett again, to debate and resolve
upon the following proposalls, thus vizt
9th That a Law be made to Settle and confirme the
Severall offices place of Judicature and other Conveniences
formerly proposed to be made and done in and about the
Stad' house, and that a clause be therein incerted to oblige
the Severall Collectors Naval officers and their Deputys &c
to bring all their lists of Shipping Certificates bonds Cocquetts
and other papers relating to their respective offices to be
delivered upon Oath once every yeare before his Excy the
Govr &c. in order to be securely Lodged in one of the Rooms
of the said Stad' house, and that a clause be also incerted
about the Church.
Ordered, That the Comittee of Lawes prepare a Bill

p. 132

11th That the Ditch be viewed and some care be taken
about the building the two triangular houses and a Draw-
Resolved the said Ditch be finished and that Major John
Hamond and Major John Dorsey be hereby appointed to see
the same done and a Gate house built with a good Lock and
Key. And that for the effecting the same
Ordered the publick Treasurer of the Western Shoare pay
unto the said Major Hamond and Major Dorsey Eight thou-
sand pounds of tobo in Ann Arundell County.
12th That the Levy be proportioned this sessions, and that
the Country have Creditte for the Rangers Arms, and the
supernumerary Tithables the accts whereof are herewith sent.
This house consent to and Concurr with the above propo-
13th That a former proposall about Issuing forth comis-
sions in chancery be considered a new according to former
proposall again recomended.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 562   View pdf image (33K)
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