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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 561   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, May 26-June 11, 1697. 561

A proposall from the said County of Somersett that some
of the ablest ffreeholders of the County may be adjoyned with
the Comrs when they assess the County Levy.

Resolved that there is no occasion thereof since the County
Levys are assessed in open Court and no one debarred from
making Legall objections to any allowances therein.
That it is a great agrievance in the said County that poor
men are chosen Constables who cannot well attend the said
Imploy by reason of such theire poverty.
Resolved that his Excy and his Matys Honrble Councill be
desired to direct the Justices of the severall Courts to
choose abler men and richer that may better attend the said
office of Constables.
2d That Enquiry be made whether Col: Talbott did ever
reimburse the County his Imprisonment fees.
Upon Enquiry this house do find that Col: Talbott never
did reimburse the county the same.
3rd That there be some Law made to prevent Seamen,
Servants from running away to other Governmt5 and to con-
sider also therein a former proposall about Runaway Debtors
and that if in case the house cannot agree about making such
a Law at the present that then they would lay the same before
his Matys in Councill whereby his Maty may be induced to
send some Genll order to the Severall adjacent Governmts for
redress of the said Evills.
This proposall is refered to the comittee of Laws which are
to reporte thereon to this house.

L. H. J.

4th That a Law be made to lay an Imposition on all
manner of Wooden Wares and ffish brought from New Eng-
land and the other adjacent places and upon Sugar and
Molasses Imported by Strangers.
Resolved that it is not convenient to make such Law.
5th That the Law about the Constables taking the list of
taxables be better regulated.
Resolved that the said Law needs no amendment.
6th That some representation be layd before the Right
honble the Lords &c. desireing some end may be putt to the
Dispute about the Divisionall Lyne and Bounds betwixt this
province and pensilvania and that Major Whittington be sent
for to give what accompt (he is able) to the house.
Resolve that the Comittee of Lawes prepare an address to
their Lordships therefore and that Mr Scarborough and Major
Whittington attend the house thereupon.
7th That a Law be made for every person to ascertain the
bounds of their Lands to prevent Law suits.
The above proposall referred to the next Genll Assembly.


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 561   View pdf image (33K)
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