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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 560   View pdf image (33K)
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560 Assembly Proceedings, May 26-June 11, 1697.

L. H. J.

for defence and secureing themselves' and the Same being
Likewise agt Law.
This Comittee being Likewise ordered to consider of a
Law to be drawne in pursuance of his Excys the Govrs pro-
posall relating to his said Excys appointing a Justice of the
peace when any remove or dye by Warrt under his hand and
seale without putting the countys to the charge of a new
This Comittee having seriously deliberated and debated this
proposall do conceive it much to the advantage of the countys
and Ease of the publick charge; but tht it would be of
dangerous consequences to make a law so contrary to the
known Lawes of the Kingdom of England especially consid-
ering the Law impowering the comrs of the county Courts for
tryall of Criminalls which by severall adjudged cases of all the
Judges of England.

It's Resolved that all Commissions of that nature ought
to be under the broad seale And so consequently no person
in a meaner Capacity capable of sitting Judge of the same.

The following reporte with the concurrence of the house
thereto sent to his Excy the Govrs Honble Councill.
House adjourned till two of the Clock.

p. 130

Post Meridiem. House mett.

A Letter from the Right honble the Lords of the Councill
for Trade and fforeigne plantations wherein Severall Queries
are putt Laid before the house for theire perusall and consid-
Also a Letter from the honble the Comr of the Customs
requireing his Excy to have a Bond prosecuted which was
taken for the Shipp Expedition of Maryland that went
directly to Caurressau a Dutch factory.
House adjourned till 6 of the Clock on Munday Morning

Munday May the 31st 1697

House mett. Major William Barton appears in the House.
Severall proposals from his Excy the Govr and his Matys
honble Councill Layd before the house.
Whereupon Debated and Resolved as followeth Vizt

And as to the first being a complaint from Somersett
County that the Expences of the County Comrs there at 80lb
Tobo pd are burthensome and grieveous to the said County.
Resolved that his Excy be addressed to Lessen the number
of Comrs in the said County.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 560   View pdf image (33K)
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