of the said Armes & Amunicon & secure them vntill they
receive some further Order thereabout from his Excy the
Comandr in cheife to whome they are with convenient speed
to send.
That if it appeare the Armes & Amunicon have beene
Imbezelled by any officer with whome they shall be or hereto-
fore have been lodged or by the heires exrs or admrs of any
such officers that the value thereof shall be first satisfied out of
the sd deed officers Estate.
That Considering the powder of this province is generally
decayed & of litle value it may be lawfull for each respective
officer with whome it is lodged to sell or dispose of one halfe of
the same provided within six months they provide the same
quantity of good new powder in its place or answer for the
same 12s sterl to his Excy & that if any such officer haveing
disposed of halfe the old powder as aforesaid shall have put
the same quantity of good new powder in its place, he may
there dispose of the other halfe of the old powder in like
termes & Condicons, & that in case the sd powder cannot be
changed or disposed off as aforesd it be changed & made good
yearely at the County charge to be assest by the Comrs
W Bladen Cl Delegates
Assented to by his Excy &
his Matys honble Council Hen: Denton Cl Concil
The sd Ordinance was by ordr returned back to the house
by the Clerke of this Board.
Brought from the house of Delegates by Mr Edward
Boothby A Bill in relacon to regarding the publick Credit of
the Country &c. Intituled an Act ascertaining what shall be
the sheriffs duty in & vpon returnes by them made for publick
duties due & officers fees read 2d time. And assented to by
his Matys honble Council & was returned back to the house by
the messenger that brought it.
Brought from the house of Delegates by Capt Tasker the
Journall of the Comittee of accounts for the severall publick
allowances made this assembly & passed by the house which
being pervsed was well approved off & assented to by his
Excy & his Matys honble Council.