Resolved by this house that it will be for his Matys Service
that the shipps in the Country (after the men of warr are gone
out of Virga) be pmitted to sayle.
Assented to by his Excy & his Matys honble
Councill & ordered accordingly
Hen: Denton Cl Concil.
Resolved by this house that the psons appoynted to
Apporcon the publick Leavy be hereby Impowred to order
the paymt of severall sumes of money to the severall "psons
that are allowed the same This sessions vpon the Journall of
the Comittee of Accounts out of the Publick Treasurers hands.
Assented to by his Excy & W Bladen Cl Delegates,
his Matys honbLe Council j Hen Denton Cl Concil.
A Bill for Apportioning the public Leavy read second time
& assented to by his Matys honble Council
Then read the following Vote & Resolve of the house
brought by Majr Dent, Mr Blay & Mr fferry (with the afore-
menconed Bill) in relacon to the publick Armes & powder in
order to be passed into an ordinance Vizt
Voted & Resolved that the Kings Armes & Country armes
(distributed according to order of his Excy the Governr &
Council) be kept well fixed & in good repaire at the Country
charge as also the carrying & removing to those places where
they are lodged That the officer with whome the Armes
powder or Amunicon is or shall be lodged by order of his
Excy doe give two receipts for the same one to his Excy the
Governt another to be kept amongst the Councill Records