A Letter of the Rt honble the Lords of the Council for trade
& forreigne plantacons vnto his Excy sent and directed bearing
date the first day of ffebry last past being produced & read was
by order layd before the house & recomended for their Con-
sideracon one clause therein directing a paymt of 20l a pce
vnto three ministers expected here into this province who had
not had his matys gratious allowance His Excy desires the same
may be paid by the Country he haveing noe money of the
kings in his hands.
The answer & Resolve of the house to the matters contained
in the aforemenconed Lre Came returned in manner follow-
ing Vizt
By the house of Delegates June 11th 1697.
His Excy haveing Comunicated to the house a certen Lre by
him lately reed from the Rt honbLe the Lords of the Council for
trade wherein it is intimated that the Quota or assistance
formerly Ordered this province to Contribute to new Yorke is
required to be now Complyed the said Letter also intimating
that there were three ministers expected into this province
who had not had his Matys gratious allowance of 20l a peece
but that his Excv vpon their arrivall is ordered to pay them the
same & his Excy desireing the same might be payd by the
Country he haveing noe money of the kings in his hands,
Resolved nemine Contradicente that in case his Excy draw
soe much out of the publick Treasury of this province to be
repaid out of his Matys money the first that comes to hand, &
his Excys order shall be a discharge therefore from the sd
Treasurers. That part of their Ldpps. Letter relating to new
Yorke taken into Consideration,
put to the Question & Resolved nemine contradicente that
the Gentlm appoynted to apporcon the publick Leavy this
sessions are (in case they see a just occasion & lawfull
authority & noe warr happening with our neighbouring
Indians & the Governr & Council Consent therewith) hereby
Impowred to draw out of the hands of the publick Treasurers
the ballance of what money is now in banck in the publick
Treasury being 154l 5s 3d 2 & pay the same to such psons as
shall be lawfully authorized to receive the same which shall
discharge such Treasurers.
Assented to by his Excy & his W Bladen Cl Delegates.
Matys honble Council Hen Denton Cl Conl.