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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 542   View pdf image (33K)
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542 Assembly Proceedings, May 26-June 11, 1697.


which are ordered to be drawne vp & layd before the house

By his Excy the Governr & Council &c June the 8th 1697.

The houses answer to the severall Quaeries of the Rt honble
the Lords of the Council for trade and forreigne plantacorts
is received & well approved of the following Quaeries being
onely offered Vizt
6. Article Quaerie whether Sumerset & Dorchester Coun-
ties doe not partly imploy themselves vpon woollen manufac-
ture &c.
8. Art. Indian Corne & wheate are likewise Exported &
Quaerie whether pensilvania & new England men don't bring
in wooden ware.

p. 39

11. Quaerie whether all single Shipps are obliged to call
vpon his Excy Sr Edmond Andros in Virga especially the
shipps now in the Country pursuant to that order
12. Quaerie whether the report of pensilvania & Carolina
putting forward manufacture & handy craft trades be not one
reason that causes many psons to goe out of this province
to those places and another reason by psons holding such
large tracts of land.
13 Quaerie if the land at the head of the Bay were well
setled & Cultivated the Soyle thereof would not be proper to
produce all manner of English grain whereby to furnish this
province with fflour bread & beer &c
14. Quaerie what sort of force is the best way to secure
the province.
15. Quaerie what methods are best to be taken for the
Conversion of Indians.
16. Quaerie what returne is to be made about the militia
of this province.
The same being sent by the honbe Coll Greenberry & Coll
Courts the 9th instant came answered from the house severally
as followes Vizt
6. Answer. This house doe not know that Sumerset and
Dorchester Counties did Imploy themselves in woollen manu-
factures but vpon Inquiry doe find that heretofore when Eng-
lish goods for subsistance could not be had for any product of
that place some few psons out of necessity did attempt make-
ing of linnen & woollen for support of nature which they were
reduced to by necessity & without which many Subjects had
perished and this house beleive that when the like Extreamity
falls on them or any others of this province the like pres-
ervacon will be endeavoured.
8. Answer. Indian Corne & wheate are made in this pro-

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 542   View pdf image (33K)
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