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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 541   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, May 26-June 11, 1697. 541

11. The order of Council of the 14th of ffebry 1693/4 con-
tinued to be observed by the last fleet which sayled out of
this province but it is many wayes discourageing & preju-
diciall to the trade of this province.
12. The proclamacon of the 17th of August 1695 wee have
reason to thinke hath very much reformed the illegall prac-
tices of the pensilvanians & reduced their tradeing in this prov-
ince to a good & orderly method.
15. The southerne parts of this province especially on the
Easterne Shoare vizt in sumerset Dorchester & Talbot Coun-
ties afford greate quantities of greate streight and lofty pines
fit for masts & yards of shipps of all rates they generally
grew on low & levell ground near such Creekes & Coves as
every high tide can floot them most comonly within halfe a
mile of the water and sometimes not ten rods from it the
way levell & nothing renders the procureing of them difficult
but the want of labourers & artificers for they would be sold
where they grow at very moderate rates & the dietting of
such labourers & artificers is cheape The Tarr made here is
generally said to be more proper for timber then cordage
likewise standards knees & other Crooked timbers fit as wee
judge for the best shipps in England may be had here plenti-
fully & cheap together with pitch tarr Rosum & hemp: but
because such things have not bin inquired for, the Inhabitants
have not applyed themselves to the prepareing of them.


It is generally thought the old tobacco houses will afford
Saltpeter. The scarcity of Artificers & labourers & their high
wages is the cheife & onely difficulty in procureing those
things of which there is an inexhaustible quantity.
16. The Sole & onely manufacture or rather produccon
of this province for merchandize or for supply in tobacco
Off late the Inhabitants on the west side of Delaware bay
seating to the westward from that bay & the Inhabitants hold-
ing lands by graunt from the Right honble the Lord Proprietr
of this province seating Eastward from Chesepeake Bay soe
farr that now they intermix is already become & hereafter like
to be occasion of Contention Vnless prevented by timely
ascertaining the bounds of each province. And the Justices
of Pensilvania harbour & Entertaine our fugitive mariners
servants & others refuseing to deliver them back except wee
can accuse them of ffelony or that the fugatives belong onely
to his Matys men of warr to the very greate prejudice of the
Inhabitants of this province;
Signed p ordr W Bladen Clk Del.

The same are well approved off by his Excy & his Maty!
honble Council the following Quaeries being onely offered

p. 38

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 541   View pdf image (33K)
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