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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 543   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, May 2-June 11, 1697. 543

vince but very litle exported because vsed in the province &
new England men did formerly bring in wooden ware but of
late have not brought in any or at least very inconsiderable.
11. Answer, wee know not whether single shipps are
obliged to call on the Governr of Virga or not but if they are
is very prejudiciall to them & besides their delay a greate
discouragemt to them to come here and encouragemt to them
to go there.


12. Answer. Wee conceive that few "psons or none have
left this province to goe to Pensilvania & those that have wee
vnderstand were induced to it by the Currency of money
there which is not here & not through the Encouragemt of
Manufactrs there & for large tracts of land wee are sensible
that there is noe want of land to any that will setle here either
by Lease or purchase the price of lands being fallen of late.
13 Answer. To the Inhabiting the land at the head of the
bay wee conceive it will answer the intent & proposall of
Cultivacon if seated & wish it were soe.
14 answer. To the proposall what force would be most
proper to secure this province wee conceive that the poverty
of the place will discourage any such attempt and Considering
the greate deserts betweene vs & any publick Enemy the
present militia if well Armed may be sufficient for our defence.
15. Answer. The best way of Converting the Indians is
by good example of the English & the Clergy Endeavouring
to learne there language & thereby be capable of conversing
with them.
16. Answer. As to the militia of this province wee con-
ceive that the present Lawes & Constitutions are requisite to
be continued till further Consideracon can be had of the pro-
posall of alteracon, and in the meane time that his Excy be
humbly desired to give Comissions to the officers already
nominated without which they cannot with safety act nor are
the Soldiers bound to obey their Comands.
Brought from the house of Delegates by Majr Ennalls &
Mr Sanders the following message & bills Vizt

By the house of Delegates June the 8th 1697

Whereas severall lawes have been made imposing duties &
laying imposicons on divers Comodities & on offices for
divers publique vses in the sd lawes expressed & for that wee
find there is sufficient money raised to answer the ends
therein proposed according to the true intent & meaning of
this house Wee humbly desire the same or soe many thereof
as shall seeme good to yr Excy & this house may be repealed
& abrogated the said Imposicons being very much complained

p. 40

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 543   View pdf image (33K)
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