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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 540   View pdf image (33K)
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540 Assembly Proceedings, May 26-June 11, 1697.


Creditors have chosen to shelter themselves amongst the
Inhabitants of the Lower Counties on Delaware bay & of
Carolina & indeed the low price with the planter hath of late
bin constrained to accept of from the merchant hath obliged
many here (finding their Industry would not supply their
necessities) to try their fortunes else where to the apparent
and Considerable diminucon of the number of our Inhabitants
Compared with preceding yeares & lists.
9. Generally all the Inhabitants of this province being
Labourers are imployed in planting tobacco except Coopers
Carpenters some few that navigate sloopes and a very small
number of other Artificers having relacon to Tobacco all
which excepted (by Estimacon) make not above the 60th part
of such labourers.
7. ffrom this province to England is exported tobacco
except an inconsiderable quantity of ffurrs and Sasafrax
8. This province hath little traffick with any other his
Matys Colonys in America or else where, and the litle traffick
which is vsed is by exporting hence porke beife pipe staves
timber and such like together with wheat fflour & some small
quantities of tobacco to Barbadoes either by small Craft
belonging to this province or new England who trade here
for Rum sugar & malasses most especially & some parcells of
fish & some (inconsiderable) wooden wares of their owne
manufacture & this province hath noe supply of any woolen
manufacture else where but from England except that of the
native wool of this province our necessity hath taught vs to
make some course stockings & clothings for servants and
slaves &c.

p. 37

9. The trade of this province Ebbs & flowes according to
the rise or fall of tobacco in the market of England but yet it
is manifest & apparent that universally less Cropps are made
of late than formerly that is to say of tobacco for that the
most & best land for that purpose is cleared & worne out
which indeed thereby becomes fitter for tillage & the late

grcvious losses susteyned by the death of Calle hath suffi-
ciently cautioned the Inhabitants by Tillage to make better
provision against the late vnvsuall hard winters and to plant
less tobacco, and especially the Country is in want of servants
& negroes.
10. The present methods to prevent illegall trade is dilli-
gent search & inquiry after illegall traders & present &
impartiall Justice done vpon them when found according to
the strictnesse of law tho it be to the disadvantage of this only
province such traders as wee suppose finding a more remisse
prosecucon in our neighbouring Collonyes soe that wee
beleive them all discouraged from frequenting this province.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 540   View pdf image (33K)
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