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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 537   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, May 26-June 11, 1697. 537

By the house of Delegates &c.
June the 5th 1697.

This house desire that what bills have passed the honble
Board may be forthwith transmitted to them in order to be
Signed p ordr W Bladen Clk Delegates.

Munday June the 7th 1697.

The Council againe Sate & were present as yesterday.
drawne vp by ordr a fair Coppy of the ace' of the Revenue
this yeare Collected to be layd before the house for their
pervsall which was done & delivered in accordingly.
Brought from the house of Delegates by Capt Tasker Majr
Thomas Smith & Mr Pollard the following Resolves in answer
to some proposalls Vizt

By the house of Delegates June 7th 1697.

Severall resolves of the house vpon his Excys proposalls as
followes Vizt

That some measures be taken to refund the Country Coll.
Talbotts Imprisonment fees. The house finding that Coll
Talbot was Attainted and convicted of ffelony and afterwards
had his Matys pardon doe Quserie whether the Right of his
lands be in his Maty or the Lord proprietory or the said
Talbots heires If in his Maty or the Lord proprietor, it is not
in the power of this house to make a law therefore, if in the
heires of Talbot yet there ought to be legall processe for the
said debt before such a law can be justly made Therefore
Referr the proposall to the next Assembly to Examine his
Mr Workeman appearing in the house sayes he hath 50l
sterl in his hands for the finishing his house.
Ordered that Majr Hamond & Majr Dorsey be Trustees
appoynted to see the said worke finished and to order the
paymt of the money out of Mr Workemans hands.
Resolved that a bill be prepared to Impower two of the
Council & one Burgesse out of each County the 11th of
October next to meet at this port to apporcon the publick
leavy for the reasons following Vizt Because if the Assembly
tarry here to apporcon the same it will occasion at least
30000l of tobacco charge neither are the list of Taxables
returned as yet Therefore till such time as they are returned
the Leavy cannot be Equally assest.
Ordered that Wm Bladen be Clerke to apporcon the said

p. 33

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 537   View pdf image (33K)
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