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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 538   View pdf image (33K)
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538 Assembly Proceedings, May 26-June 11, 1697.


p. 34

Resolved that his Matys Council that have noe places of
proffit and the Justices of the provinciall Court be payd their
Sallaries in money out of what is in the publick Banke not
exceeding 200l sterl at 8s p Cent
Signed p ordr W Bladen Clk Delegates

The answer from this board to the foregoing Resolves is as
followes Vizt

Resolve about laying the leavy.
Agreed to provided the Comittee soe appointed be such
Delegates as are Justices of the provll Court whereby noe
charge may accrew to the Country & to be nominated accord-
ingly Impowring them or the Majr part of them to performe
the same but that Majr Thompson be one of the said Comittee
by reason there is noe Provinciall Justice belonging to that
As to the Last Resolve about paying his Matys Council &c
in money at 8s p Cent. This board dont thinke fitt to agree
thereto at present till they see the Leavy apporconed.
Proposed at the request of Mr Workeman that the said
Mr Workemans house be viewed by some of the members
and returne their opinion whether the same be substantiall &
good he haveing 53l odd money in his hands for finishing
Brought from the house of Delegates a certaine message
concerning fferrys which was read as follows Vizt

By the house of Delegates June the 5th 1697.

It being Represented to this house by the Delegates of Kent
County That they have two fferrys in their County Vizt One
kept by Mr Daniell Toas over the head of Chester River
which is the maine road to & from the new Country, and that
the said Toas has noe satisfaccon therefore, from the Country
or publick but is Encouraged to keepe the same through the
permission of the Justices of the County Court that he might
keepe Ordinary without paying for Lycence which sd permis-
sion the Justices were induced to graunt vpon a late Ordi-
nance of Assembly. And also they have one other fferry
over Chester river kept by one Isaack Corke which is a

p. 35

County fferry and the said Corke by reason of such permis-
sion graunted keeping the same much cheaper, fforasmuch
as the said Ordinance seems to be scrupeled & the fferrymen
in danger to be presented Wee humbly desire yr Excy &
Councils concurrence with this house in confirming the said
Ordinance & allowing such tolleracon.
Signed p Ordr W Bladen Clk Del.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 538   View pdf image (33K)
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