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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 536   View pdf image (33K)
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536 Assembly Proceedings, May 26-June 11, 1697.


of the Endictm'3 together with a Coppy of the sd law in one
hand in ordr to put the same in Execucon against every pson
that shall not be provided according to that Act & a Coppy of
the proposalls in another hand that the people may see how
they are dealt with all whereas an easier method had bin pro-
posed to the house for these two assemblyes but was rejected.
The same was sent by the honbLe Sr Thomas Laurence &
Coll Hutchins who returne & say they delivered the same.
A Bill for Naturalizacdn of Stephen ffrancis &c. being read
was rejected as not being a legall one according to the late
Act of parliament for preventing frauds &c.
Then read the following Resolve of the house Vizt

p. 32

It being moved in the house that the Lords &c should be
addressed for a seperate Convoy for the shipping of this pro-
vince Resolved that it will not be convenient to Addresse the
Lords for such convoy in regard that the Virga fleete have
quicker dispatch then ours and thereby fforestall our market.
A Bill ascertaining how & when Execucon shall be graunted
for publick officers fees read first time To which it is proposed
that it be incerted that the Clerks be obliged to transcribe
every dayes minutes of their proceedings to be fair read over
next morning and the Record of the whole -pceedings of that
Court to be read over the first day of the next Court after.
A Bill for directing & appoynting to what vse the severall
Roomes in the state house at Annapolis shall be applyed to.
Read first time It being proposed that one of the vpper
roomes in the highest storey on the right hand be set a side
for the Towne Clk. to keepe his office in. That the Collectors
& navall officers &c. be obliged to transmit the bonds Certifi-
cates Cocqueus & other papers &c. to the port of Annapolis
once every yeare in order to be lodged in the Clerke of the
Councils office. That the Clerkes be obliged to keepe an
Alphabet to every booke.
A Bill for the Confirming titles of land given to the vse of
the Church &c read 2d time & proposed that the word Chap-
pells be incerted as well as Churches by reason Chappells are
already built. That the Examinacon of the Evidences be sent
vp to the high Court of Chancery to be recorded as well as in
the County Courts. That the Certificate therein menconed be
returned to the Court of Chancery in like manner & that the
number of acres be incerted as the house thinke fitt.
A Bill Impowr'ing Coll Hermans widow to sell a lott of
land & two houses in the port of Annapolis Read first time
and passed without alteracon.
Brought from the house of Delegates by Mr Hawkins & Mr
Boseman the following message Vizt

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 536   View pdf image (33K)
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