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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 535   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, May 26-June 11, 1697. 535

The Comittee haveing seriously and deliberately Consulted
the old law and debated the severall proposalls of his Excy to
be Enacted into a new law do find that the said proposalls
tend much to the well Regulating of the militia as likewise the
ease of the poorer sort of Inhabitants but for as much as there
is an Appearance at this time of some disturbance with the
Indians doe not thinke it a proper time to set a law wholly
aside that the Inhabitants are soe well acquainted wth as like-
wise considering that severall of the new proposalls if Enacted
into a law yet it is Impossible to put the same in Execucon
this twelve month at least Therefore This Comittee are of


opinion that a Coppy of the said proposalls be drawne out for
every County of this province to the end that the Inhabitants
of each County may consider of the same & give it to their
Delegates in Charge the next Assembly it being not vsuall
for parliamts or Assemblys to Ennact lawes altogether new
without first acquainting the people therewith and haveing
their approbacon.
Signed p ordr Hen: Loftus Clk Comittee.

The said Report was subscribed as followes Vizt

June the 5th 1697.
By the house of Delegates

The house Concurr with the report of the Comittee
W Bladen Clk

Ordered that an answer to the same be drawne vp—which
was done as followes Vizt

By his Excy the Governr & Council &c
June the 5th 1697.

The Comittee of lawes Report to the house in relacon to
the proposall made to them & this Board for the better regu-
lating the militia together with the houses Concurrence with
the said Report was recd and here read to which his Excy does
say that he does not approve of the same but that the house
may Consider to have such a law drawne and passed now
according to the proposall and a twelve months time given for
modelling and fitting themselves vntill which time the old law
may be left to stand in force otherwise he is pleased to declare
that he must see the old law put in due Execucon & does
intend God willing to take a veiw of the militia of each respec-
tive County this Sumer & carry with him the Sheriffe & Clk

p. 31

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 535   View pdf image (33K)
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