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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 534   View pdf image (33K)
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534 Assembly Proceedings, May id-June 11, 1697.


treaty being pursuant to order prepared to be sent to his Excy
Sr Edmund Andros his Majtys Governt of Virga was accord-
ingly inclosed in a Letter writt by order and signed by his
Excy and the Board as followes Vizt

Maryland port Annapolis June the 4th 1697.
Sr This is by the Expresse to acquaint your Excy what wee
have done concerning the piscattoway and Accokick Indians
and enclosed is the proceedings therevpon both of the house
of Delegates his Matys honble Councill and of
Yr humble Sert
Govr of Virga ffra: Nicholson.

Came Mr Thomas Collier Navall officer of the port of Wil-
liam Stadt and made oath before his Excy and his Matys honble
Council &c to his navall officers account this day exhibited
at the board.

p. 30

Came Majr Thomas Smithson Treasurer for the Easterne
shoare and made oath in like manner to his Treasurers
accompt here produced.
Read a Bill Impowring the Com" of each respective County
to purchase lands for the vse of their respective Courts, pro-
posed that a clause be added that where Court houses stand
not in Townes the Justices of the Counties be Impowred to
purchase 40 or 50 acres of land for convenience of pasturage
for the suitors horses &c

June the 5th 1697.
The Council againe sate & were prsent

His Excy ffrancis Nicholson Esqr Capt Genll &c
Sr Thomas Laurence Baron' Secry Coll Charles Hutchins
Coll Henry Jowles &
Coll Nicholas Greenberry Coll John Courts

The bills yesterday read together with the proposall vpon
the last Endorsed were delivered into the house by the
Clerke of this Board.
Brought from the house of Delegates by Majr Dent & Majr
Ennalls the following papers and bills Vizt
A Report from the Comittee of lawes in relacon to the
proposall for a new modelling the Militia read as followes
Referred to the Comittee to Consult the old law for Regu-
lating the militia and Consider of his Excys proposalls for the
new modelling the militia of this province.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 534   View pdf image (33K)
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