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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 533   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, May 2b-June 11, 1697. 533

June the 4th 1697.

The Council againe sate & were prsent as yesterday.
The Gentlm appoynted by the house to goe vpon the Indian

treaty Came & Signified their havcing leave of the house to

proceed on their Journey accordingly Desireing to know if
this Board had any thing further in Comand fqr them They are
told that this Board have noe further to say then what they
have already in charge in the severall Articles p proposalls
contained save some instruccons which were by order drawne
vp & Comunicated to the house & afterwards a Coppy
thereof delivered to them together with the severall Articles
in charge given from the Assembly & former Articles of
peace. The Instruccons following in these words Vizt


Instruccons to the Gentlm implyed to goe vpon the treaty to
the piscattoway Indians &c
ffirst you are to make the best of your way to Capt Masons
in Virga whom you are to acquaint the reasons of your coming
there and to signify whether you are goeing as also shew him
what has bin done by the Government therein.
2. You are to write to his Excy Sr Edmund Andros whilst
you are there to let him know that you are come soe farr on
your Journey from the Government of Maryland with Instruc-
cdns & power to treate with the piscattaway Indians to whome
you are directly goeing and that you make all the speed you
can thither.
3. You are to keepe a fair Journall of all your proceedings
and made what dispatch you can back againe from the said
Indians to Capt Masons in Virga where you are to write againe
to his Excy Sr Edmund Andros and enclose him a fair Coppy
of your Journall and proceedings vnder all your hands dis-
4. You are from thence to make what hast you can into
Maryland and send by one of the Gentln impowred a full and
perfect Coppy of your Journall and proceedings (soe as afore-
said to be taken) vnto his Excy the Governt and his Maties
honble Council vnder your hands & seales respectively with all
possible speed,
p Ordr Henry Denton Cl Concil.

ffrom the port of Annapolis in Maryland June 4th 1697.

The honble Coll Thomas Tench Esqr Coll John Addison and
Thomas Brooke Esqr being appoynted to goe with the afore-
menconed members vpon the said treaty take leave accord-
ingly and goe.
Another Coppy of the Articles in relacon to the Indian

p. 29

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 533   View pdf image (33K)
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