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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 532   View pdf image (33K)
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532 Assembly Proceedings, May 2d-June 11, 1697.


altered the debt wee Consent that Execucon may be graunted
to the present Sheriffe to leavy by Execucon all those debts if
the debtors refuse or delay payment
Assented to by his Excy W Bladen Clk Delegates.
& his Matys honble Council
Hen Denton Cl Concil.

A peticon of Wm Sharpe endorsed together with a writt of
Error recounted in fol 20.
A peticon of Capt William Holland endorsed as followes Vizt

By the house of delegates June the 3d 1697.

This house doe say that If Capt Wm Holland doe pay the
debt in tobacco & the Comon interest therefore this yeare

p. 28

they thinke it sufficient if his Excy the Governt & his Matys
honble Council so thinke fit.
W Bladen Clk Delegates.

To which this Board make answer that the same is neither
agreeable to law nor Equity that way of payment being the
Comon Cheat among sheriffs which was ordered to be endorsed
vpon the sd peticon accordingly.
An Addiconall bill to the Act for Recovery of small debts
read first time & passed.
A Bill for the Confirming titles of land given to the vse of
the Church &c read first time & will passe with Amendmt
The house are made acquainted that Mr Geddes the School
master sent in is placed out as vnder master to the Colledge
Schoole in Virga to save a present charge & to gaine himselfe
the more experience against the schole is here built.
Proposed that an Ordinance or law be made that in the
Countys where ministers are they be obliged to Read divine
Service at the said Courts vnder a penalty for neglecting the
same & a fine to be put vpon the Justices & officers of the
Court that dont Come &c
Brought from the house of Delegates by Capt Hoskins &
Majr Walter Smith the following message Vizt

By the house of Delegates June the 3d 1697.

This house have in Concurrence with yr Excy & his Matys
honble Council given leave to our severall members appoynted
to goe vpon the Indian treaty to depart the house in order to
their Journy, but humbly desire it may not oblige vs to tarry
for their returne.
Sign'd p ordr W Bladen Clk Delegates

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 532   View pdf image (33K)
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