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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 531   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, May 26-June 11, 1697. 531

Ordered that the two Capts of the Rangers each have
Term Granadoes tenn fusees 2 spades 2 pick axes & 2 shovells
delivered them and that the Colls of prince Georges & Balte-
more Counties deliver them each Capt Vizt Capt Brightwell
& Oldton 50l pound of powder fflint & ball Equivalent the
same to be returned back & not made vse off but vpon


His Excy proposes whether the house think it convenient
that the said Rangers have Inforted themselves, who doe say
that they doe approve thereof provided the province be at noe
charge therevpon.
Capt Brightwell being sent for comes accordingly He is
told that the Assembly have graunted that the Rangers should
have some of those things he peticoned for but that they
were not to be medled with or made vse off without special
occasion. He is also acquainted that there is a Complaint
made against some of his men coming downe among the
plantacons too oft & keeping away from the ffort Therefore
he is Cautioned for the future to have them in better order,
and that one of the first things they doe be to cut downe the
vnder bush round about their fort, the makeing whereof is
approved off provided it be noe charge to the Country
Mr Speaker & the rest of the members take leave & returne
back to the house.

June the 3d 1697.
The Council again Sate & were present

His Excy ffrancis Nicholson Esqr Capt Generall &c.
Sr Thomas Laurence Baronet Secry Coll Hutchins
Coll Henry Jowles Coll Addison
Coll Nicholas Greenberry Coll Courts
Thomas Tench Esqr Thomas Brooke Esqr

Brought from the house of Delegates by Majr Walter
Smith Majr Barton Majr Smallwood Mr Hutchison & Capt
Hoskins these following papers & bills Vizt.

A peticon of Majr Wm Whittington praying that some
publick fees due to him might be continued vpon Execucon &c,
The same was endorsed by the house as followes Vizt

By the house of Delegates June the 3d 1697.

If the petr will draw a pticuler account of what is due tc
him of such publick levy & make oath That neither directly
nor indirectly he hath recd any part thereof nor any way

p. 27

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 531   View pdf image (33K)
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