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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 530   View pdf image (33K)
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530 Assembly Proceedings, May 26-June 11, 1697.


Brooke Esqr Gentlm of his Matys honble Council Majr James
Smalwood Majr Wm Barton Mr Wm Hutchison Mr John Haw-
kins Mr John Wight Capt Philip Hoskins & Majr Walter
Smith imediately goe to the Piscattoway & Accokick Indians
vpon the treaty aforesd & that Henry Moore goe as their
Ordered that Mr Perry the post be sent downe to his Excy
Sr Edmund Andros with a Coppy of the said Comittees
report & to acquaint him the reason & necessity of sending
persons to treate with them being streightned in poynt of
time, Corne planting being now at hand, Besides the longer
the matter is delayed the more foreigne Indians will be
gathered to them. As to the Nanticoke & Choptico Indians
being sent for his Excy thinks it will be too greate charge to
the Country and therefore is pleased to say he will be with
them this Sumer to save the Country that charge.

p. 26

Resolved that Majr John Thompson & Mr Vanderheyden of
Caecil County Mr Edward Boothby & L' Coll Richardson of
Baltemore County be sent to the Indians at the head of the
bay to give them caution either to call in the mountaine
Indians or to acquaint them that wee expect they should be
answerable for them if any injuries happen to be done as also
to acquaint them what measures are taken about the piscatto-
way Indians.
His Excy is pleased to declare that he never tooke any
presents from the Indians but that he alwayes gave them in
returne for the same more then they were worth, and that he
comonly tooke but one thing of a sort and gave them back
the rest.
Ordered that Capt Hans Tillman bring the Indians at the
head of the bay downe to the Governr & Council against the
next provll Court and that he goe as Interpreter with the
aforemenconed Gentlm to the Indians at the head of the bay,
the said Hans being called in is acquainted with the houses
Resolve about him & is asked if he is willing to accept
thereof, who does say he is willing.
He is cautioned to be faithfull therein & truely to Interpret
all matters betwixt them & was sworne accordingly.
Came Majr John Thompson Navall officer of Caecil County
Mr Samuell watkins navall officer of patuxen district Majr
Wm Dent navall officer of potomack district George Muschamp
Esqr his depty for the Lower part of that district Henry Denton
navall officer of the port of Annapolis, Mr Philip Clarke for-
merly navall officer of potomack & Robert Mason Esqr Treas-
urer for the westerne shoare who severally produced their
publick accounts & made oath to the same before his Excy &
Governor his Matys honble Council & house of Delegates.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 530   View pdf image (33K)
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