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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 529   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, May 26-June 11, 1697. 529

that their breach & the new chosen Empr either confirmed or
revoaked as thought fit, and if the Governt & Council thinke
fit to passe this Error by for the present that yet they be
cautioned to give noe more such occasions for that they will
not be endured, and that if any strange Indians for the future
comes to them it shall be sufficient for them to give notice (to
the "psons appoynted) of the number & nation of such strangers
7. Then as to the complaint of the Indians to Coll Courts
of the violence offered them by Mr Joshua Doyne & the
misvnderstanding betweene them & Madm Blackiston wee
propose that the parties be sent for before the Governor &
Council & the matter to be there heard and determined as in
their wisdome shall be thought fitt and for the future all such
Complaints to be heard and determined by the psons
appoynted for that purpose.


8. That because their happens many complaints about the
bounds of the Indian land & many Jealousies may arrise about
it wee therefore propose that the psons to be appoynted to
heare & determine such differences doe call to their assist-
ance 6 or 8 of the most substantiall neighbourhood to each
towne & heare & determine the Indians clayme & according
to the best testimony that they can get lay out the bounds of
their lands & marke them by lines & trees in the presence of
the neighbourhood aforesaid & the better to keepe in remem-
brance such bounds & transmit the same downe to posterity
that the said persons & soe many of the neighbourhood with
the greate men of the Indians goe round the bounds once
every three yeares & new marke & line the bounds.
9. This Comittee are informed that the strange Indians
that are at the head of Potomack neare the mountaines doe
belong to & are part of a nation of Indians at the head of the
Bay of the Susquahanahs who are at peace & Amity with vs.
Therefore we propose that caution may be given that king
either to call in them Indians or to be accomptable and
answerable for them in case of any Injuries.
10. This Comittee propose that what measures are
resolved on with the Indians be imediately put in Execucon by
present sending to them to make Corne if they returne &
prevent their Confederating with strange Indians which
longer time would give the opportunity of.
Chr. Gregory Clk.

The said proposalls being read were well approved off
respect being the value of the negroe 80 buck skins
being thought too litle but left to the discretion of the persons
appoynted to treate with them and therevpon Resolved that
the honble Thomas Tench Esqr Coll John Addison & Thomas

p. 25



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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 529   View pdf image (33K)
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