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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 528   View pdf image (33K)
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528 Assembly Proceedings, May 26-June 11, 1697.


their names that wee may know who are our friends & who
not And that for all such as will not returne vpon these
proposalls by a day assertained Wee doe refuse all Intercourse
of trade or converse with them, and to that end that caution
should be given them to forbear at their perrill to come or
appeare within the bounds of this Governmt for that if they doe
without coming in as aforesd they shall be certainly deemed
as Enemies & treated accordingly
And to prevent all mistakes of freinds or Enemies wee doe
firmely enjoyne & require all those that doe come in vnder
the penalty of forfeiting our freindship not to harbour enter-
taine or detaine any of those Indians of them nations that have
now absented or that doe not come in & give vp their names
as aforesaid ffor that if they doe wee shall looke vpon them as
confederating with our Enemies
4. Wee also propose that a coppy of what termes wee make
to the Indians may be layd before his Excy the Governt of
Virga that thereby that Governmt may see the Justice of our
proceedings with them & be an inducemt to them not to
beleive or Countenance any of their Allegacons nor any way
to protect or harbour them in this their Contempt & breach of
Articles with vs
5 Wee also propose that it may be requisite vnder the
prsent juncture to send a certaine number of Gentln of this
Governmt not lesse then Tenn to the Indians to make knowne
to them these our proposalls & to treate with them thereon

p. 24

and also to discend to particulars with them in that treaty &
that they have a latitude of discretion left with soe farr as the
Governmt shall thinke fit & convenient particularly about
the place of the Indians living if by them proposed
6. That according to the first proposall to the Indians wee
conceive that some sober & discreet persons be appoynted
nearely resident to every one of the Indian townes to heare &
determine any Complaint either of the Indians or English with
one another & the determinacon of such person shall be
binding to both persons vnles the matter be of soe greate
moment as to require an Appeal to the Governr & Council in
such cases if either the psons to heare & determine the matter
thinke fit or either of the parties desire an Appeal to the
Governt & Council they shall be there transmitted with their
Then the Comittee proceed to examine the Report of Coll
Hutchins whereby those Indians seemed charged with Enter-
tainmt of strange Indians & turning out the Emperor &
choosing a new one without the Governrs consent & appro-
bation contrary to articles We propose that them Indians may
be sent for before the Governr & Council & they cautioned of

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 528   View pdf image (33K)
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