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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 527   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, May 26-June 11, 1697. 527

vpon their renewing & confirming them Articles or if they will
not or cannot find or deliver the murderers that then the
nation make payment of 80 drest buck skins for the value of
the negroe & in such time as the persons appoynted to treate
with them shall consent & agree to.
That vpon performance of either of these proposalls
returning to the place of former abode or elsewhere neare the
English as shall be agreed on all former Injuries to be passed
by & pardoned & perticulerly the Annacostin king to be
received into the same Articles of peace & friendship with the


2. As to their Allegacon of haveing their lands purchased
from them & their Corne feilds puld downe & their being
.blamed for killing the hogges &c Wee conceive it may be
proposed to them that the English doe not care for their land
being in noe want of it, and if any persons have seated within
their bounds its not by direccons of the Governmt nor their
consent and if such persons have not the Indians consent for
it they shall either make them satisfaccon or remove as this
Governmt shall thinke fitt and if they are blamed about the
English stock it may be because they give cause for it nor can
the Governmt prevent private suspicions but doe assure them
they shall not be punished for any such suspicions without due
proofe be made against them according to the rules of
pceedings against others and as to the English pulling down
their fences, if they can make any such thing appeare they
shall be called to an account for the same & if proved against
them punished according to the law of the Country & for
speedy releife in those cases fitting -psons shall be appoynted
adjacent from whome vpon Applicacon made Redresse shall
be had


3. That as to their refusall of returning & excusing them-
selves from coming to this Assembly, it may be observed to
them that as the Governmt will not doe any Injustice to them
or impose any vnreasonable taske on them soe they cannot
but resent very ill of them by this rashnesse & vnadvisednesse
to breake their articles with vs in leaving their Established
places of abode & withdrawing themselves soe suspitiously in
the night time & putting vs to such charge to find them out
& notwithstanding that for them not to come to vs to treate
as formerly they were wont And therefore if they will all come
in & setle themselves & demeane themselves according to
their former articles as is already said, the former articles
shall be confirmed to them or if they doe not all agree to
come that the same shall be to those that doe come in
provided they doe imediately vpon their coming in apply
themselves to such persons as shall be appoynted & give in

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 527   View pdf image (33K)
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