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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 526   View pdf image (33K)
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526 Assembly Proceedings, May 2d-June 11, 1697.


Ordered therefore that the Clk of the Council goe downe
to the house & acquaint them that a second Conferrence is
required in relacon to the Indians who accordingly came vp.
The following report of the said Comittee being p'sented
to the whole assembly was by ordr read vizt

June the Ist 1697.

At a Comittee by appoyntmt of the Governr Council &
house of Burgesses composed of the Council & Burgesses for
the Considering the Indians affair & makeing proposalls what
may be most proper measures to be taken for quieting their
fears and securing the province &c.

present of the Council
Coll John Addison
Coll John Courts
Thomas Brooke Esqr

Mr Wm Hatton Majr Smalwood
Mr Wm Hutchinson Mr Hawkins
Majr Barton Mr Hoskins
Coll Beale Mr Dent

Coll Addison chosen Chairman of the Comittee
Chr. Gregory Clk.

Resolved first to proceed on the affaires relating to the pis-
cattoway & Accokick Indians &c. And therevpon was read
the Report of Majr Wm Barton to the Governr and Council
vpon what passed between him & the said Indians vpon his
being sent to them & their answers to him and vpon their
first answer relateing to the reasons of their deserting their
ffort Vizt
1i. This Comittee say that vpon pervsall & Examinacon
thereof they perceive the Indians built their faith vpon bare
report that Coll Addison & others should say such things of
them but whether true or noe they had noe certaine grounds
for they never went to the Governmt to enquire but on the

p. 22

Contrary The Comittee find the English had some Reasons
even from their owne mouths to suspect them for that murder
& for which they ought either to acquit themselves or make
some satisfaccon And therefore it may be proposed to them
that if they will discover the murderers if they know them
he or they shall be freely pardoned & him & them all recd
into the same articles of peace that were last made with them

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 526   View pdf image (33K)
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