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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 525   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, May 26-June 11, 1697. 525

had purchased his Matys writt of Errr vpon the very Judgemt
on which the Execucon issued is Illegall & against the Course
of law.
Signd p ordr W Bladen Clk Delegates

The sd peticon was by ordr endorsed as followes and
returned back to the house by Mr Wm Dent Vizt

By his Excy the Governr & Council &c.
June the 2d 1697.

The within peticon & Vote of yr house thereon is referred
back by Mr Wm Dent one of yr members for better expla-
nacon for that noe writt of Errr was issued till after the petr
was taken in Execucon.
Sign'd p ordr Hen: Denton Cl Council.

June the 3d 1697.
The same came back endorsed as followes Vizt
By the house of delegates June the 3d 1697.

Wee have Reassumed our former debate of this matter &
say that it was Represented to vs that the writt of Errr was
issued before execucon served but that being now denyed
wee have called for the writt of Errr before vs by which
together with the acct the Sheriffe gives of the time he
arrested the party seemes still to be that the writt of Errr was
issued before Execucon served as by the date of the writt of
Errr appeares to vs and for further satisfaccon therein wee
have herewith sent the said writt of Errr which was the reason
of our former Resolve.
W Bladen Clk


The further proceeding in this matter appeares in the other
Journall of Council proceedings of this date.
Proposed that the minutes of every dayes proceedings both
of the prov" & County Courts be constantly read over every
night or morning by the Court & for the Court to be held
afterwards the last Courte proceedings be read anew againe
& inspected by the Justices that a due record of the same
be kept.
It being signified to his Excy that the Comittee appoynted
in the matter about the Indians had drawne vp severall pro-
posalls & made a finall Conclusion It is considered that the
same be read before the whole Assembly that if in case any
disputes should arrise thereabout the same might be ended in
a Conferrence.

p. 21

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 525   View pdf image (33K)
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