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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 524   View pdf image (33K)
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524 Assembly Proceedings, May 26-June 11, 1697.


Ordered that the Lawyers be consulted therein & make
report accordingly their opinion to this board with all conve-
nient speed.

A peticon of Mr William Sharpes being also brought by
the said messengers is referred to be read till to morrow

June the 2d 1697.

The Council againe sate & were present as yesterday
except Coll Jowles & the Gentlm appoynted vpon the
The peticon of William Sharpe yesterday brought from the
house was as followes Vizt

To the Comittee of Redresse of greivances

The peticon of William Sharp of Talbot County
That whereas yr petr was heretofore sued as security for &
with one John Tench for 1000l Sterl & whereas yr petr was
informed that all those bonds would not be brought to tryall
so soone as they were but have longer time allowed them for
their defence wherevpon yr petr went home from the prov"
Court leaving with his Attorney noe manner of instruccons to
defend the suit wherevpon Judgemt was got against yr petr
by non sum Informatus & afterwards the sd Tench was sued
vpon the said bond who pleaded it was not his deed and the
Jury found that it was not his deed & Judgemt was given
vpon the Verdict for the deft. And therevpon the Attorney
genll appealed to the Governt & Council, and yr petr brought
a wiitt of Error vpon the Judgemt given against him and pro-

p. 20

Cured a writt of supersedeas directed to the Sheriffe of Talbot
County but before yr petr could get out of towne the Sheriffe
of Ann Arrundell County late on Saturday night about
Twelve of the Clock came to serve agt petr with Execucon on
the sd Judgemt & yr pef shewed the sd Sheriffe the writt of
supersedeas who would take noe notice thereof but served
the Execucon & detained yr pef therevpon in prison contrary
to law & the liberty of the Subject & therefore yr petr offers
this to the Comittee humbly praying that his case may by this
Comittee represented to the house of Assembly in order to
be releived according to law.
And he will pray &c.

By the house of Burgesses May the 28, 1697.

The above peticon being read Voted nemine Contradicente
that the takeing the petr & detaining him in prison after he

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 524   View pdf image (33K)
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