ince & the Members of his Matys most honble Councill and
the sevrall Burgesses of this present Generall Assembly and
every other person and persons haveing a Lott of Land in
the Town & resideing there or a Trade in the Town pasture
shall be deemed and Taken as freeman of the Town aforesaid
and no others Saveing that all Merchants, Masters, Mates
Guñers Carpenters and Boatswains that make this Porte their
Constant Porte of Trade by Two Voyages or att least shall
have and enjoy the priviledge of ffreemen dureing their resi-
dence or resideing att the Porte aforesaid and for Encouragemt
of all Sorts of Tradsmen or men of Calling to come and
inhabitt in the Town aforesaid Be it Enacted by the Authority
aforesaid That when any Baker Brewer Tanner Dyer or any
such Tradsmen That by the practice of their Trade may any
ways anoy or disquiett the neighbours or Inhabitants of the
Town it shall and may be Lawfull for the Comrs and Trustees
aforesaid to allott and appoint to such Tradsmen such part or
parcell of Land out of the present Town pasture as to the said
Comissioners shall seem meet and Convenient for the Exer-
cise of such Trade a sufficient Distance from the said Town
as may not be annoyance thereto not Exceeding the quantity
Lib. L. L. 2