be arrested by any Officer whatsoever dureing such persons
Continuance in the said faire or Markett Except in Cases of
Treason Murther or felony but in all other Cases dureing his
or their Continuance in the said Markett or faire and Comeing
to and going from the same shall be saved and kept harmless
by the Tenor of this Act And be it further Enacted by the
Authority aforesaid that all those Deeds obligations writeings
and Evidences made by and between his Excellency Francis
Nicholson Esqr Capt Generall and Governor of this Province
of the one part and Anthony Workman of Kent Island in the
County of Talbott of the other part and William ffreeman
Bricklayer of Philadelphia in Pensilvania of the other part
Concerning a lott of Land in the said Town and building a
house thereon to the use of the said Anthony Workman
dureing his naturall life and after his Decease to the use of
the free schoole of this Town forever bearing Date the Eighth
day of June Ano Domini 1696 and Ordered to be recorded in
the Journall of the Governor and Councill and the house of
Burgesses of this Generall Assembly be of absolute and full
force and available in Law to the uses therein Expressed
according to the true Intent and meaning thereof any defect
in form or want of form in the same notwithstanding