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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 502   View pdf image (33K)
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502 Assembly Proceedings, Sept. 16-Oct. 2, 1696.

Lib. L. L. 2

tions of his Excellency Carefully Examined and Sealed with
the Great Seale of the Province att the four sides thereof and
upon the backside thereof Sealed with his Excellencys Seale
att Arms on a red Cross with red Tape and remaining in the
Secretarys Office or to be hung up in the Court house and
Whereas part of the Town Land belonging to the right
Honble Charles Lord Baron of Baltemore to whom Application
hath been made to bestow the same upon the Town Gratis
which if his Lordship shall be pleased so to do least any
person or persons whose Lotts may happen to be within the
same should thereby Claim or pretend an Impunity against
the payment of the Charge Assessed to each Lott according

p. 141

to the Value thereof for other Lotts Be it Enacted by the
Authority aforesaid that the same Land shall notwithstanding
be Valued as the other Town Land and each respective
person pay his proportionable part to the Comissioners &
Trustees for the use of the Town And further the said Com-
issioners or Trustees or the Major part of them or not less
then the number of three att least are hereby Authorized and
Impowered to hear & Determine all or any Action Suite or
Difference ariseing between the Townsmen or freemen of the
said Town for any thing accrueing in the Town not Exceeding
the sume of five pounds sterling or one Thousand pounds of
Tobbacco or the Value thereof in other goods or merchandizes
and to award Judgement and Execution thereon and to that
purpose to make and Constitute such and soe many Officers
as shall be requisite for the houlding of a Court of Judicature
such as Clerk Cryer Attorneys or Sollicitors the Sherriffe of
Ann Arundell County being allways obliged to Attend them
and to settle and mark such reasonable ffees and allowances
to them not Exceeding halfe the ffees allowed to the Officers
of County Courts and to punish all misdemeanors and
breaches of the peace not Extending to life or member
Comited or done wthin the said Town and to Impose any fine
or fines either upon the officers or Suitors to the said Court
for any neglect or Contempt of the Authority of the said
Court or otherwise and the same to Execute not Exceeding
the sume of Twenty shillings sterl or two hundred pounds of
Tobbacco in any such fine to be to the use of the said Town
and the said Comissioners and Trustees aforesaid are like-
wise hereby Impowered to make such Orders from time to
time as need shall require and to make such by Laws Rules
and order for the good Government and regulateing the

p. 142

Inhabitants of the said Town not being dissonant but as near
as may be Consonant and agreeable to the good Laws of
England and this Province And it is hereby Declared That
his Excy Francis Nicholson Esqr present Governor of this Prov-

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 502   View pdf image (33K)
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