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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 500   View pdf image (33K)
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500 Assembly Proceedings, Sept. 16-Oct. 2, 1696.

Lib. L. L. 2

Quantity of Land such person or persons holds in the said
Town and shall thereby have Right Comonage upon the sd
Town Comon and not otherwise and upon refusall of any
person or persons to pay such his proportionable part towards
the purchase of the Town Comon aforesaid being tendred to
him and Demanded of him as afd it shall be att the liberty of
any other person to pay such proportionable part so refused
and shall thereby have that Right of Comonage And whereas
there is a Certein quantity of Land in the said Porte and
Town laid out and Assigned for Wharfage and building of
Keys and Wharfs and Warehouses thereon it is hereby
Enacted & declared by the Authority aforesaid That if the
Owners of the Land next adjacent thereunto shall Omitt
neglect or refuse to build such necessary Wharfs or Keys or
Warehouses thereon for the propagating of Trade as aforesaid
in Eighteen month from the publication of this Act it shall be
Lawfull to and for any other person or persons to take up the
same Land Assigned for Wharfs Keys and Warehouses afore-
said and upon such person or persons building a substantial
Twenty foot square Brick Warehouse upon every fourty foot
Square of the said Land shall invest such person or persons
with a good and sure Estate of Inheritance in ffee simple of in
and to every such fourty foot square of Land upon which

p. 138

such Warehouse shall be built as aforesaid and for the better
Conveniency of the Trade of the said Town his Excellency
Francis Nicholson Esqr present Governo' of this Province hath
Caused four rowling Roads to be marked and Cleared for
the Rowling or Transporting Tobacco or Goods by Land that
is to say one Road between Patuxent River and South River
beginning att the mouth of a great Branch Called Stocketts
Run and running from thence about North East and by East
five miles six furlongs and sixteen poles to a Creek in South
River Called Beards Creek in South River aforesaid the other
Road begins att a Cove in a Creek Called Baldwyns Creek in
South River and runs thence about North East one mile one
furlong or Eighteen pole to the head of Ship Creek in
Seavern River the other Road beginning att Seavern River
below Eagle Nest Bay and runs to the Northward of the
North East one mile one furlong and Twenty five pole to a
Creek in Magatee River Called Clarks Creek the other Road
begins by the said Magattee River side above the mouth of a
Cove Called Woods Pasture Cove and runs thence ab' East
north East one mile six furlong and thirty pole to a Creek
in Patapsco River Called Rock Creek Be it therefore Enacted
by the Authority aforesaid That the said Roads and every of
them shall be Constantly kept Cleared and Grubbed as other
publick Roads by the directions and appointment of the

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 500   View pdf image (33K)
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