Assembly Proceedings, Sept. 16-Oct. 2, 1696. 499
and inhabitants of the said Porte and Town att such time and
place within the same by the Comissioners and Trustees as
aforesaid shall be appointed for that purpose of which time
and place publick notice shall be given by the said Com-
issioners and for the Incouragement of the Inhabitants of the
Town and Porte aforesaid and to enable them to keep stocks
of Cattle horses or sheep or such like necessary Creatures for
their necessary use.
Be it Likewise Enacted That it shall & may be Lawfull to
and for the said Comissioners or Trustees to Purchase any
Quantity or Quantitys of Land next adjacent to the Town and
for Town Common and to Satisfye and pay for the same with
Tobbacco or money that now is or hereafter shall be raised for
Lib. L. L.
any Lott or Lotts of Land taken up in the said Town or by
any other money or Tobbacco by the free Gift of any person
or otherwise Accrueing to the use of the said Town or any
other Lawfull ways or means whatsoever so that the same be
no wise Burthensome or a Charge to the publick and in Case
the Owners of any such Land be incapable of makeing Sale
thereof by any manner of Disability or incapacity whatsoever
or willfully refuseing the same being Offered the full Reall
Value thereof then and in such Cases it shall and may be
Lawfull to and for the said Comissioners and Trustees to
Cause a Jury of freeholders next adjacent to be Impanelled
and Sworne to Value the said Land according to the direc-
tions and Appointment of a former Act of Assembly of this
Province Intituled An Act for settling Assemblys and Pro-
vinciall Courts and Erecting a Court house of Ann Arundell
Town in Ann Arundell County for purchasing and Valueing
the Town Land and pasture within the same which Act also
shall be Rules and directions to the said Comissioners and
Trustees for purchasing Valueing and paying for the said
Town Common which said Comon upon theire performing the
severall requisites in the former Law directed shall Create
and make a Good sure and Absolute Estate of Inheritance in
ffee simple to the said Comissioners and Trustees and their
Successors forever to the onely proper use benefitt and
behoof of the said Town and Town people for a Town and to
no other use whatsoever and the better to Enable the said
Comissioners and Trustees to purchase and pay for the same
Be it Likewise Enacted That all person or persons holding any
p. 136
Lott or Lotts of Land or that shall hereafter take up or hold
any in the Town aforesaid shall for every Lott of Land he
holds or shall hould in the Town aforesaid pay to the Comis-
sioners and Trustees aforesd towards the purchasing the Town
Comon aforesaid the proportionable Part of the Value or Pur-
chase of the said Town Common proportionable to the
p. 137