And you are particularly not to pass any law or any Act by
Grant, Settlemt or otherwise whereby our Revenue may be
lessened or impaired without our Speciall leave or Comand
for it.
Fr. Nicholson.
House Adjourned for two hours.
Post Merediem, House met.
A Bill for securing the Parochiall Librarys assented to by
the house
A Bill for Speedy Recovery of Small Debts, assented to by
the house.
The above Bills sent to his Matys honble Councill with 3
Addresses by Mr John Hall.
The petition of Severall Merchts of New Yorke read.
Put to the Question if the Inhabitants of New Yorke shall
not pay the 10 p cent duty as well as those of Pensilvania,
And carryed in the affirmative, that they shall pay the same.
A petitionary Bill about the Comissary's Office, read the
second tyme and comitted.
House adjourned till 9 of the Clock to morrow morning.
Wednesday Septr 30th 1696.
A Petitionary Bill about the Comissary's office, read the
third tyme, and put to the Question if the sd Bill shall pass,
and carryed in the Affirmative.
A Bill relating to Bayle to be taken by the Sherriffe in
Actions of trespass upon the Case, read and passed.
It being recomended that some Encouragement be given
Mr Gaddes the Schole Mastr sent in by his Lordsp the Bishop
of London.