484 Assembly Proceedings, Sept. 16-Oct. 2, 1696.
L. H. J.
The house adjourned for one hour.
House met again
And the following Proposalls being layd before the house
and recomended to the Consideration thereof Debated and
Resolved thereon as followeth.
First That the Indians lands be adjusted according to
Made last Sessions.
Ordered that where there is any dispute concerning the
Bounds of the Indians Lands: that the persons hereafter
named do examine and search all records relating thereto and
see the same resurveyed, Viz. for Prince Georges County,
Colonel John Addison, Mr Willm Hatton and Mr Willm
Hutchison. For Somersett County, the Ordr of that County
Court to be pursued in Relation thereto: For Dorchester
County, the honble Col. Geo: Robotham, Col. Charles Hutchins,
Col. Thomas Smithson, Major Thos Ennalls, and Major
Thos Hicks.
2d That a Law be drawne for the adrmt of the Porte of
p. 113
3d Proposed that [the sheriffs collect this year] the Guifts
to the Free schools [and that copies of the] Subscriptions with
new Briefs be [got ready to send to each] County
The tobo to be in good hand and when the
Workemen agreed with by the Trustees and the sd Free-
holders then the Subscribers will be ready, to pay their Sub-
scriptions. As for Briefs his Excy is desired to grant them.
4th That a Law be made for securing the Librarys that are
bestowed upon the Severall Parishes.
Ordered that a Bill be prepared therefore.
5th That his Maty be adsst that some parte of the Revenue
given towards the furnishing the Country with Arms &c.
(now the Country is provided of such things) be layd out for
small books, such as the Comon Prayer book, Whole duty of
Man, and Book agt Drunkenness and Swearing and to be dis-
tributed among the Comon Sorte of people that are poor, by
reason there is no such Books brought into the Country to be
sold and therefore have no way of getting them.
Thought that the Country is not sufficiently supplyed with
Arms &c but when it is this house will be ready to joyne in
such address.
6th That an address of thanks be returned to his Maty for
being graciously pleased to bestow a quarter Parte of the 12d
p hhd towards furnishing the Country with Arms and Amu-
nition &c. and to sygnifye that the same has been layd out
Resolved an Address be prepared.