Assembly Proceedings, Sept. 16-Oct. 2, 1696. 485
7th That [the House give their advice] how the arms now
come in [are to be disposed of] that they signifye if they know
of any [thing else of that] nature that is propper to be sent for.
Appropriated to Ann Arundell County
And would be pleased to apply what money here-
after shall rise out of the Quarter parte of the Revenue for
buying 500 Carabines, 500 Bionetts, two trumpets for each
County and two Drums, Catouch Boxes to the Carabines
and Colours for each county.
8th That care be taken to have the severall offices made
and to have tables and chairs made (where necessary) and
stoves for the clarkes to write by in the Winter.
Referred to the Comittee of Accts to discourse Col Herman
9th That if the Clarkes write by Candle light, that lamps
or candle sticks (contrived for candles to burne in Water) be
sent for.
That the severall officers provide themselves therewith.
10th That some Books of Exercise be sent for out of the
Quarter Parte of the Publiq Revenue to be given to the
severall Millitary officers and some plaine books of Fortifica-
Assented to by the house
L. H. J.
11th That the Proclamation agt Exportation of Corne be
taken off:
Assented to by the house
12th That a law be made to oblige the severall Counties
to keep the Publique [arms belonging to] their Respective
Countys well fixed and in [good repair at] the County charge.
And that [all officers that] have the Custody of any [pub-
lick arms or ammunition do] pass three particular [receipts
for the same] to be transmitted, one to the Provincial Court
one other to the Clarke of the Councill and the third [to the
clerk of the] County Court where such arms are lodged
[to be entered in] the sd severall offices and that when any
offices having the custody of any such Publiq Arms or Amu-
nition dyes, that it be provided in the law to oblige the next
magistrate or Justice of the Peace imediately to repair to
such officers house and there examine the said Arms by
the Receipt given, and to take care to secure untill further
And in case it be found that any imbezillmt hath been made
of any such arms or amunition that then Satisfaction be made
for the same out of such deceased officers Estate before any
other Debts whatsoever paid, and that a clause be made that
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