Assembly Proceedings, Sept. 16-Oct. 2, 1696. 483
Appointed of the Comittec of Accompts.
Mr Tasker, Major Mason, Major Smith, Mr Pollard & Majr
Thompson. of the Comittee of Laws
Major Dent Mr Hutchison MrClarke Mr Boothby
Put to the Question if the house consent that two of his
Matys honble Councill be joyned with the Comittee of Laws
and carryed in the Affirmative. Ordered that Major Dent
acquaint his Matys honbIc Councill therewith, Message from
his Ma'ys honble Councill by the honble Sr Thomas Laurence
Bar' &c.
L. H. J.
By his Excy the Govr and Councill 7br 22d 1696.
The two last Messages from your house sent have been
received and here read, And as to the first his Excy thanks
God the house has put so good an end to that Dispute And is
in hopes they will now proceed to do such things as may tend
to the glory of God, the Kings honour and the good of the
As to the Comittee of Laws appointed this Board has
according to the request of the house sent the honble Col:
Robotham and Col: Addison to joyne with the said Comittee.
There is herewith likewise sent severall Letters in answer to
Letters sent for England about the affairs of the province
together with several printed papers & proposalls and three
severall Catalogues of Books.
Signed p order Hen: Denton Clk: Council.
Mr Henry Denton Clk: of his Matys honbLe Councill Presents
the State of the public Revenue of this Province as it now
stands for the Inspection and view of the house
House adjourned till 9 of the Clock to morrow morning
p. iiz
Wednesday Septr the 23d 1696
House met. Ordered that the Comittee of Accompts
inspect into the Publiq Revenue of this Province and make
reporte to this house how the said Revenue does stand and
that they have power to send for persons to appear as they
thinke fit before them, and examine them, that this house may
have more certain information therein.
Resolved that the Act for the recovery of small Debts a
Capias ad Satisfaciendum be awarded agt the Body of the