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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 390   View pdf image (33K)
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390 Assembly Proceedings, July 1-10, 1696.

U. H. J.

The said message came back underwritten thus vizt

This House thinks there is no Occasion thereof for that this
Province is God be thanked very peaceable and quiet
Pr Order W Bladen Clk Assembly

Tuesday July the 7th 1696 The Council again sate and
were Present

His Excellency Francis Nicholson Esqr Captain General &c.

Colo George Robotham Colo Charles Hutchins
the honble Colo Nich Greenberry Colo David Browne
Thomas Brooke Esqr

Brought from the House of Burgesses by Mr Clark Major
Hammond Mr Frisby and Mr Crawford the following Message

By the House of Burgesses July the 7th 1696

We have with the utmost diligence and Care Considered
of the Bill lying before us relating to the Establishing the
Protestant Religion in this Province which we have proposed
to pass as it is already penned but in regard your Excellency
approves not the same without some Alteration and this
House cannot at present Recede from their former Resolves
therein and it appearing to us a matter of Great moment as
can come under our Consideration we desire that the further
proceeding as to the accomplishing the same may at present
be referred till another Assembly that thereby we may sev-
erally and separately consider the same
Signed p Order W Bladen Clk Assembly.

His Excellency is pleased to acquaint the Board there being
a thing of two different natures contained in the said Bill his
Majesty will in no wise consent to the Passing thereof and
that besides it is the Opinion of his Majestys Attorney Gen-
eral and other Learned Lawyers in England that those words
of the People enjoying their rights &c according to the funda-
mental Laws of England (as the Law is now Penned) would
occasion them to carry all their causes to Westminster Hall
therefore considered that in case the House persist in their
Resolutions therein) whether it will not tend to his Majestys
Service that they be dissolved yet however that they be Pro-
rogued for one day for a further Trial first which was thought
convenient after they had dispatched all other matters now
lying before them

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 390   View pdf image (33K)
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