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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 391   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings July 1-10, 1696. 391

Came from the House of Burgesses Colo Pearce and Major
Ennalls who signify that they are sent to acquaint his Excel-
lency that if his Excellency & Council have any thing to Offer
to the House they are ready to receive it otherwise the House
are upon adjourning who are told that there is nothing at

Wednesday the 8th 1696 The Council Again Sate and were
His Excellency Francis Nicholson Esqr Captain General &c.

Colo George Robotham Colo David Brown Colo
the honble Nich Greenberry Colo Charles Hutchins
Thomas Brooke Esqr

Read the following Resolves vizt By the House of Bur-
gesses July the 8th 1696.

His Excellency's Proposall relating to the advancement of
this Port Ordered to be drawn into an Ordinance of this
Assembly and an Act to be drawn therefore upon the meet-
ing of the next Sessions
Upon the Petition of several the Inhabitants of Dorchester
county voted and Resolved the Act against Striking Fish in
Dorchester and Somerset County be Repealed
Signed p Order W Bladen Clk Assembly

U. H. J.

Brought from the House of Burgesses by Colo Codd Cap-
tain Tasker & Mr Clark the following message vizt

To his Excellency the Governor in Council &c.
By the House of Burgesses July the 8th 1696.

We did yesterday by our written message address our-
selves to your Excellency in Council concerning a Bill Lying
before us touching which we desired further time to consider
to which your Excellency has not yet been pleased to Give us
answer we humbly pray your Excellency to be assured that
what we have done or desired proceeds from honest Hearts
and earnest desires as well to the Service of Almighty God
and his Majestys as to our own rights and Liberties and
therefore your Excellency will so understand us & give an
Answer to our former Message
Signed p Order W Bladen Clk Assembly

p. 896

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 391   View pdf image (33K)
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